In-Person & Online Survival Skills Classes & Wilderness Training

Students learn hide tanning during  a survival skills class

If you long to feel more at home in the world, our survival skills classes and rewilding retreats will bring you more deeply into relationship with the earth. In this modern life, it can be easy to feel disconnected or even at-odds. For this reason, we embrace the practice of rewilding to remember the wild, intuitive aspects of who we are. In addition, when we learn survival skills and take primitive skills classes, the wilderness can transform into a welcoming and abundant place. Indeed, learning to feel comfortable and integrated with the natural world can help us feel more at home within ourselves.

Home building workshops that give you the skills to build your dreams into reality

In-person Survival Skills Classes Near Asheville, NC

Wildcrafted Apothecary Classes

Identify and wild forage medicinal plants in the Appalachian mountains.  Lread more

Rewilding Retreat for Women

Gather with other women for a long weekend of connection, learning, and reread more

The Nourishing Food Retreat

Young woman cutting herbs (1)
On This PageWe welcome you to read through this page for a whole-picture pread more

Online Primitive Skills Classes

Are you ready to transform a deer hide into buckskin with your own hands?

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Learn from expert brain-tanners the process of transforming deer hide intoread more
Students learn wild cooking recipes during a survival skills class

About Our Wilderness Training & Survival Skills Classes

We’ve experienced first-hand how powerful it can be to come back to nature. Particularly in this fast-paced world of multitasking and digital communication, it’s easy to feel a little lost and alone. But when we take the time to slow down and move at the pace of the wilds, a part of ourselves wakes up and comes alive. That part knows the world is interwoven in intricate and beautiful ways. For this purpose, our rewilding and outdoor survival skills classes teach ancestral skills and nature connection as a way to remember who we are beneath the surface.

One wonderful way to reconnect with nature and ourselves is through learning about plants. All of our outdoor survival skills classes showcase wild plants and their roles as medicine, food, building materials, fuel, and more. From our survival skills class to our season-long permaculture and gardening apprenticeship program, wild plants are important “guest instructors” in every one of our rewilding and primitive skills classes.

The healing power of plants is something we all know deep in our bones. So, when we learn to identify, harvest, cultivate, and utilize medicinal plants, it is deeply satisfying and empowering. Our ancestors all knew how to keep themselves healthy with herbs. Therefore, we too can remember this wisdom through rewilding retreats and outdoor survival skills classes. In our wildcrafted apothecary class, we teach all you need to know to be able to wildcraft medicinal herbs, grow them in your garden, and make herbal preparations. You’ll learn to make tinctures, salves, cough syrups, flower essences, and more.

Women rewild together during a weekend of primitive skills classes.

There’s something special about coming together with other women to connect with our deepest selves. For this reason, we offer a Rewilding Weekend Retreat for Women. It’s an opportunity to remember the roles that our female ancestors have held throughout time and experience a wilderness training designed just for women.

Furthermore, our women’s survival skills classes are about being real with our lives as they are now. Together, we find the wild threads that we can weave into our day to day realities.

In this long weekend rewilding retreat, we gather together to work with our hearts and hands. We explore skills like basketry, broom making, fire building, and more. Each evening, we gather together around a fire to share songs and stories, just as women have done for millennia.

Permaculture courses that explore living off-grid in North Carolina.

We offer two ways to learn about permaculture at Wild Abundance. Both of them are infused with the essence of rewilding and have curricula that include off-grid living and survival and ancestral skills.

Our 14-day immersive Permaculture Design Course is offered in a traditional PDC format. Yet, we can’t help but bring our students out into the wild places that we love, too. Experience dynamic lectures, site visits, hands-on projects, and exercises at the beautiful Earthaven Ecovillage.

We also offer a Permaculture & Gardening Apprenticeship that meets one day each week over the course of a growing season, from March to November. Learn how to tend perennial fruit and nut trees, annual vegetable gardens, and a permaculture-centered homestead.

Both of these rewilding programs use the language of permaculture to teach about the patterns in nature. When we learn to notice and listen to these patterns, we can live in harmony with them.

Learn to tan a hide online and make buckskin, as our ancestors have done for millennia.

Tanning a hide is a deeply rewarding and satisfying process. The resulting soft, supple buckskin can be made into clothing or bags, or used for lashing on baskets and other handmade crafts. Turning a raw deer hide into this timeless, useful material with the brain tanning process is hard work. It’s work that our ancestors did to survive and stay warm. There’s something in the doing of it that speaks to an ancient and wild part in each of us. We teach how to tan a hide as part of our wilderness training offerings so you can remember this connection with your own ancestors and their work and life.

Students learn primitive shelter building during survival skills classes

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